Issued identifiers

Issued identifiers are unique identifiers assigned to individuals, entities, or assets by various organizations or authorities to verify and distinguish them.

These identifiers are essential for identification, authentication, and record-keeping purposes across different sectors. Common examples include:

Personal Identifiers

  1. Social Security Number (SSN)

  2. Passport Number

  3. Driver's License Number

  4. National Identification Number (available in certain countries)

Financial Identifiers

  1. Bank Account Number

  2. Credit Card Number

  3. International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

  4. Business Identifier Code (BIC)/SWIFT Code: A unique code used to identify banks and financial institutions globally.

Corporate Identifiers

  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  2. D-U-N-S Number

  3. Company Registration Number

Utility Identifiers

  1. Meter Number

  2. Customer Account Number

Health Identifiers

  1. Health Insurance Policy Number

  2. Medical Record Number (MRN)

Government Issued Identifiers

  1. Tax Identification Number (TIN): A unique number issued by the government for tax purposes.

  2. Social Security Number

  3. Drivers License

  4. Vehicle Registration

  5. Firearms Registration

  6. Voter Identification Number (required in certain States)

Issued identifiers are crucial for verifying identity, facilitating transactions, ensuring security, and maintaining accurate records across various systems and sectors.

HMIDTags empower the authorized stakeholders with MultiFactor Authentication and MultiParty Authorization.